Word Is Getting Out

Word is getting out about, his models made of wood.
 First a ‘Minnie’, then a Showman, both are very good.

He does so like a challenge, ‘SUPERBA’ next in queue,
 Few Fowler drawings, one photo, none left, so that’ll do!

Weeks spent on his TurboCAD, trying to make a whole,
 Two years in and out his workshop, couldn’t let it go.

He joined a Steam Plough Club and had a fun weekend,
 At Rutland, driving engines, pulling ploughs and making friends.

I didn’t see a lot of him (as usual) in that time,
 Pandemic hit, the world shuts down, George? He’s doing fine.

We built an Engine Shed, in lockdown, as you do,
 To keep safe all his models, so properly on view.

Back to turning rivets, ‘SUPERBA’ getting there,
 Unable to exhibit, with no one could he share.

‘SUPERBA’ done, what next? An engine needs a plough.
 But this could not be finished, Covid did not allow.

So, other ploughing extras, he had in mind to do,
 A living van, a water cart, a cultivator too.

That all done, the plough complete, what has he next to prove?
 A mole plough was the answer, he’s really in the groove!

Then off to Dorset, at long last, his models on display,
 Next to his Plough Club friends that he’d made along the way.

On return, it took a time, to rid himself of dust,
 But for lovers of the steam, then Dorset is a must.

Currently, a land press, we’re running out of space,
 We’ll need a bigger shed soon, to keep them all in place!

Jane King
(Woodturner’s Wife)
September 2022